a man and technician talking a dealership

Car Maintenance Checklist by Concord Kia

What Regular Maintenance Should Be Done on a Car?  

Keeping your car in excellent condition requires regular maintenance. But what regular maintenance should be done on a car? Below is a detailed guide to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely. You can visit the Concord Kia dealership in Concord, CA, for a thorough vehicle inspection and top-notch service. Our state-of-the-art service department is ready to handle all your car maintenance needs.  

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The Ultimate Checklist for Car Maintenance  

Check Tire Pressure and Rotate Tires  

Check your tire pressure regularly and rotate your tires every 10,000 miles for even wear.  

Check the Motor Oil  

Regular oil changes are important for your engine’s health. Check your oil level monthly and change it as your car’s manufacturer recommends, usually every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.  

Check Other Important Fluids  

Besides oil, your car relies on several other fluids like coolant, brake, transmission, and power steering. Regularly checking and topping off these fluids can prevent major mechanical issues.  

technician checking the air in a tire
technician changing oil in a car
technician checking the fluid in a car

Dashboard Warning Lights on Kia Vehicles 

Test the Headlights and Taillights  

Ensure all your lights function properly for safe driving, especially at night. Replace any burnt-out bulbs immediately.  

Check and Replace Windshield Wipers  

Good visibility is vital to safe driving. Replace your windshield wipers at least once a year or whenever you notice they aren’t clearing the windshield effectively.  

Check the Engine Air Filter  

A clean air filter ensures your engine runs efficiently. Check the air filter every 15,000 miles and replace it if it looks dirty.  

technician cleaning headlight
image of a windshield wiper
two technicians working under the hood of a car

Check the Cabin Air Filter  

The cabin air filter keeps the air inside your car clean. Replace it every 15,000 to 25,000 miles or as needed.  

Test the Battery  

Car batteries typically last three to five years. Test your battery’s charge regularly and replace it if it’s weak.  

Inspect the Brakes  

Your brakes are crucial for safety. Have them inspected regularly and replace brake pads and rotors as needed.  

technician holding cabin air filter
technician inspecting the battery of a car
technician working under a car

Check Belts and Hoses  

Inspect your car’s belts and hoses for signs of wear and tear. Replacing them before they break can prevent breakdowns and costly repairs.  

Wash Your Car  

Regular washes prevent dirt and grime buildup that damages your car’s paint and leads to rust. Don’t forget to clean the interior, too!  

image of a timing belt
technician cleaning the window of a car
vehicle inspection checklist

Kia Express Service in Concord, CA 

Visit Concord Kia for Expert Car Maintenance  

Knowing what regular maintenance you must do on a car helps you stay proactive about your vehicle’s health. If you’re wondering where to get these maintenance tasks done, you can visit Concord Kia in Concord, CA.