a hand fuelling a car

Tips to Improve Your Kia’s Fuel Efficiency

How Can I Improve the Fuel Efficiency of My Kia Vehicle?  

If you’re wondering how to improve the fuel efficiency of your Kia vehicle, you’re not alone! With gas prices constantly on the move, getting the most out of every drop of fuel is more important than ever.  

The good news? Your Kia is already designed with efficiency in mind, but there are some easy steps you can take to stretch your mileage even further. Please keep reading to learn tips on improving your Kia’s fuel efficiency from our team of experts at Concord Kia in Concord, CA.  

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6 Tips to Improve the Fuel Efficiency of Your Kia  

Keep Your Foot Light on the Pedal  

One of the simplest ways to improve your Kia’s fuel efficiency is by easing up on the gas pedal. Rapid acceleration might get you moving fast, but it also burns a lot of fuel. Instead, try to accelerate smoothly and gradually. Similarly, avoid riding the brakes too often, as this wastes energy and can wear out your brake pads faster.  

Maintain a Steady Speed  

Did you know that maintaining a constant speed, especially on the highway, can improve fuel efficiency? Using cruise control is a great way to keep your speed steady, which helps your Kia consume fuel more efficiently.  

Reduce Excessive Idling  

Idling for long periods wastes fuel without getting you anywhere. If you’re stopped for over a minute or two, it’s better to turn off your engine.  

a driver's foot on the race pedal
gear box of a Kia

Stay on Top of Vehicle Maintenance  

Regular maintenance is vital to keeping your Kia running efficiently. Follow the recommended service schedule, which includes oil changes, air filter replacements, and spark plug checks.   

Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated  

Underinflated tires create more rolling resistance, so your engine must work harder and use more fuel. Check your tire pressure regularly and keep them inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended levels.  

Use Your Kia’s Eco Features  

Many Kia vehicles have Active ECO or EcoMinder features designed to optimize fuel efficiency. These systems adjust the engine and transmission settings to conserve fuel.   

Why Is It Important to Get a Wheel Alignment Service? 

If you’re eager to implement these tips and explore the latest Kia models, you can visit Concord Kia in Concord, CA. Our dealership offers a wide selection of fuel-efficient Kia vehicles, and our expert team is here to help with financing and trade-ins.